January Progress Post Part 2

 Oh no January is over and I have yet to finish everything! So I will show snippets of in progress pics for these projects from January, and later will post finished photos! 

So recently for the past few months I've been getting a subscription to the Crafter's Box, which sends out a project every month. During the summer, we received a cement pour pot kit with instructions from Christie Lothrop, the featured designer of that month. Due to the pandemic, the mold was delayed for a few months after, which wasn't too much of an issue as I didn't have immediate plans to work on it. Having recently rescued a spider plant from the trash, I decided one day unprompted to just sit down and make do it. I successfully made 4 pots from it! The last bit that is left is planting two of the spider plant's babies into 2 of the pots. Photos of the finished products coming soon. 

Pouring cement as the sun sets on a very sad, but productive day.

A fun thing I've been doing is taking classes every month with a group of friends from Sashiko.lab . This month, we did Kasumi-tsunagi. Kasumi petrtains to haze, or mist, and tsunagi refers to connected, so essentially this pattern has connected lines of haze/clouds. It's not quite recognizable as of yet in my progress photo, as the shippo (linked seven treasures) pattern I added to it makes it super busy, but I'm hoping as I continue the pattern down the length of fabric I cut for myself, you'll be able to start seeing the waves in the clouds. 
I'm hoping to finish this in the upcoming week, potentially streaming it today or tomorrow!

The beginning of my kasumi-tsunagi

In January I also took another class with Spacecraft with MCreativeJ on winter botanicals. I followed one of the example pieces of the class to set up my stickers. These stickers are essentially Sulky (or one of the many similar brands) water soluble fabric-like stabilizer, put through a printer- a method of transferring your pattern. I keep going back and forth on my feelings using these. I'll report back after I finish the piece, which I also hope to do this week. I have just two stems left at this point (not shown in the photos)

Set up to go at the start of the class, with stickers on and thread wound.

In progress photo about a week later (last week)

That sums up January, apart from the previous blog post about the penguin and snowman (both done on the 29th!) and a not yet revealed embroidery piece I submitted for Garnet Gateau, which I'll be able to post about next week. 

I'm a little disappointed, because I wasn't doing a lot of shop work in the last three weeks, but I also didn't really create many projects either (and instead added/ordered more). But it's been three weeks since my uncle passed away and I had no way to go say goodbye due to the state of our shitty country, and it's been four weeks since an insurrection, so I would say the fact that I made anything at all considering is a feat unto itself. 

February is full of projects and classes. I'm planning to finish the sashiko and embroidery pieces from above Also, I have at the moment six different classes planned of all different sorts- embroidery, sashiko, macrame, watercolor on fabric, tatting, and spinning! I'm considering another watercolor class and bullet journaling as well, potentially, plus anything else that gets put in the works from the studios I like to follow! In addition, I'd like to work on an embroidery kit meant to be a gift for a friend, and a double hoop kit for spring that I just received. I also would like to make a dent in three embroidery pieces I started last year.  I'll mostly be stitching until the end of the month when most of the classes happen. And honestly, that's good for me, as I've discovered stitching, be it embroidery or sashiko, calms me. I've been having a bad bout of depression as things are delayed in sinking in, so it's best to keep busy. 

As for my shop, I'm unsure what direction I want to go with what to release next, as at the moment I keep jumping from one thing to another and unable to decide what to settle on. The shop could use a restock of fuzzy accessories like the star clips and bear ears- I've started making some bear ears, just need to continue. I also want to make some ready-to-ship sets of the star clips, so I can push some of the stock that isn't moving as quickly. I also have the terrarium rose rings yet to dome, and the shop actually doesn't have too many left! There's also a stack of 3 boxes next to me at my desk of unique terrarium projects that I'd like to make, like bracelets, earrings, and cuff links. 

So as you can see, I have my work cut out for me. If I do half of what I proposed, I'll be happy. Who knows, things may improve mental health wise and I might even start streaming a lot of my work again. Please look forward to it :3


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