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Rough time but still crafting

It's been a month ™  but somehow against all odds, I've been busy! My mental health may have tanked more than ever before, but I've still been trying my best to create. My crafting took a little bit of a different turn once I gave the wheel back at the beginning of this month. I focused on doing a little bit of digital work, and heavily focused on making mini stars for Paradise Rose Shop . This allowed me to create sets for Lacemarket which are available now, and have pieces ready to ship without having to make them every time there's an order. These always take me a rather long time when I am making over 200 of them. I'm happy to say I've sold a few already, and it's made dealing with orders a lot easier.  My pink variety set, currently available on Lacemarket Spinning was quite a trip. I had the wheel for all of March and tried to use it whenever I was able to. I got heavily invested especially towards the end and spun a lot of the roving that I had since ...

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